Consideration of water related aspects in mine closure

  1. Workshop Opening: Jo Burges (Isle Utilities) (5 min)
  2. Presentation: Introduction to mine closure and water (Richard Garner: Environment Head of Department at the MSA Group) (15 min)
  3. Discussion Q&A session (20 min)
  4. Presentation: Proactive and reactive water management approaches in closure (Bashan Govender Acting Director: Mine Water Management Department of Water and Sanitation; Gerardo Pretorius Head Technical Environmental & Water Solutions at OMI Solutions) (20 Min)
  5. Discussion Q&A session (20 min)
  6. Presentation: Holistic approaches to Mine Closure (Prof. Wayne Truter Senior lecturer at the University of Pretoria) (15 min)
  7. Discussion Q&A session (20 min)
  8. Closing: Jo Burges (Isle Utilities) (5 min)