Develop skills and technology innovations and disruptors

Skills to develop, implement and monitor innovative solutions and disruptive technologies are at the core of a water secure future for South Africa. The country’s ability to educate and grow the required skills base, transfer new knowledge and shift technology into practice are crucial in ensuring that a competent and experienced workforce with #AllHandsOnDeck in place to address the current challenges and ensure optimised futures.
Disruptive technology solutions
Capacity building, education & training
Research and development
Skills and HR development
Professional development
Test beds and information networks
Smart solutions
Capacity building, education & training
Research and development
Skills and HR development
Professional development
Test beds and information networks
Smart solutions
SDG Link
4 – Quality education
6 – Clean water and sanitation
8 – Decent work and economic growth
9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10 – Reduced inequalities
12 – Responsible consumption & production
16 – Peace, justice and strong communities
17 – Partnerships for the goals
6 – Clean water and sanitation
8 – Decent work and economic growth
9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10 – Reduced inequalities
12 – Responsible consumption & production
16 – Peace, justice and strong communities
17 – Partnerships for the goals