Generation Z is coming
Generation Z is coming: go with their flow to get #allhandsondeck
#all hands on deck also means #newhandsondeck! The new workforce will be Generation Z (born 1995-2010). The water industry has challenges to attract young professionals and keep them working at their organizations. Young professionals of generation Z have developed a different vision about working-life, career paths and working together with other professionals. They developed new skillsets, because of their digital upbringing. In this workshop we research and discuss the expectations of young professionals about organizations being a good employer. At the end of the workshop we have identified concrete points about how companies can be attractive for young professionals, and keep their water, their business.
Young professionals will bring in the so-needed enthusiasm for innovation and disruptive technology solutions. They are eager to learn by doing: identify new smart solutions, testing innovative technologies, doing applied research and sharing the knowledge in (inter)national networks.