Govern and regulate the sector

The roles of sector leader are crucial in having #AllHandsOnDeck for an integrated approach towards a secure water future in SA. DWS is responsible for the setting of standards and regulation of water use and effluent discharge across the country. Municipalities are responsible for developing by-laws that enable regulation of water services provision and use. This session explores how the key actors need to work across boundaries with other institutions and state departments to place water in the centre of future growth and well-being of South Africa. This session will afford the opportunity to allow for answers to be given by the Sector Leaders, public agenices and state departments on the adequacy of the current legislative framework to allow for effective and integrated Governance and Regulation. This promises to be interactive and robust sessions where leaders respond to the water sector conversation. Various players will be invited to participate, i.e. DoE, DEA, CoGTA, SALGA, DMR, SDT, Eskom, dti, TCTA, agriculture, finance, mineral affairs, education, NBF, SWPN, professional bodies (MIESA, SAICE, WISA, SACNASP), etc.
Roles of sector leaders, state departments and public agencies in integration
Institutional Affairs
Legislation and Regulation
Water and environmental licences
Smart Cities
Data Sharing
Climate change
Risk management
Circular Economy
Public Private Partnerships
Water Pricing
Information and Communication Technology
Finance Models and Mechanisms
Blue Drop, No Drop, Green Drop
Incentive based regulation
Customer management and communication
Local regulation and bylaws
Incentives for efficiency
Offsetting initiatives as a sector norm disruptor
Emerging Contaminants and Pathogens
Regional and global solutions
SDG Link
8 – Decent work and economic growth
9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10 – Reduced inequalities
11 – Sustainable cities and communities
13 – Climate action
17 – Partnerships for the goals